Diagnostic Ultrasound
New diagnostic capabilities
New engineering advances enable ultrasound devices to provide higher resolution and more diagnostic information than ever before.
Ground-Breaking Treatments:
High-Res MSK Diagnostic Ultrasound
Radial & Focused Shockwave Therapy
Joint Injections and Nerve Blocks
Myofascial Therapy
We treat any patient no matter how minor or how severe the problem-- from professional athletes to recreationalists of any ability level, your optimal health and well-being are our top priority!
Injuries sustained by athletes tend to be more complicated and severe than those sustained by the general population. As athletes ourselves, we understand these complexities and can help to not only relieve the symptoms of an injury but also to find the primary underlying pathological problems and address these issues before they become more severe or chronic.
We understand how athletes put extraordinary wear and tear on their bodies. Athletes must put enough stress and strain on the body to improve to elite levels, yet not so much that it leads to irrecoverable injury... it is a fine balance, and regardless of where you are on that curve, we can provide powerful tools for tissue regeneration and recovery.
ESWT + PRF + Peptides + HRT
A New Age of Sports Medicine
New diagnostic capabilities
New engineering advances enable ultrasound devices to provide higher resolution and more diagnostic information than ever before.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
New advancements in ESWT have shown some of the fastest and most effective therapies available today for a variety of conditions.
Platelet-rich Fibrin and Plasma
PRF provides all the growth factors of PRP but also provides a scaffolding matrix that biochemically activates these factors and enables rebuilding of connective tissue through the fibrin matrix.
Unlock your innate regenerative potential
Peptides can specifically target innate physiologic functions and activate specific molecular signaling pathways that maximize your body's natural potential to heal and strengthen injured tissues.
Live your best life