Oxford Traveler
How to Arrive
Exploring Oxford
Exploring Outside Oxford
Exploring the UK
For Oxford Students
The University

Oxford is the center of numerous pivotal events in academics, literature, science, and history. Much more information will be added soon!

Well-known names associated with Oxford include:

J.R.R. Tolkien - Writer

C.S. Lewis - Writer

T.S. Eliot - Poet

Oscar Wilde - Playwright

Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) - Writer

Stephen Hawking - Physicist

Richard Dawkins - Biologist

Roger Bannister - Athlete

Roger Penrose - Physicist

Robert Hooke - Scientist

John Locke - Philosopher

Adam Smith - Economist

Christopher Wren - Architect

Tony Blair - Prime Minister

Margaret Thatcher - Prime Minister

Hugh Grant - Actor

John Wycliffe - Theologian

John Wesley - Theologian

Jonathan Swift - Writer

Erasmus - Scholar

Walter Raleigh - Explorer

William Tyndale - Translator

Thomas Wolsey - Lord Chancellor

William of Ockham - Philosopher

Dozens of others can be found here.


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