Oxford is the center of numerous pivotal events in academics, literature, science, and history. Much more information will be added soon!
Well-known names associated with Oxford include:
J.R.R. Tolkien - Writer
C.S. Lewis - Writer
T.S. Eliot - Poet
Oscar Wilde - Playwright
Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) - Writer
Stephen Hawking - Physicist
Richard Dawkins - Biologist
Roger Bannister - Athlete
Roger Penrose - Physicist
Robert Hooke - Scientist
John Locke - Philosopher
Adam Smith - Economist
Christopher Wren - Architect
Tony Blair - Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher - Prime Minister
Hugh Grant - Actor
John Wycliffe - Theologian
John Wesley - Theologian
Jonathan Swift - Writer
Erasmus - Scholar
Walter Raleigh - Explorer
William Tyndale - Translator
Thomas Wolsey - Lord Chancellor
William of Ockham - Philosopher
Dozens of others can be found here.