Oxford Traveler
How to Arrive
Exploring Oxford
Exploring Outside Oxford
Exploring the UK
For Oxford Students

There are many great sites to see in this incredible city. Visit London's interactive map, where the most important and impressive sites are marked for your convenience-- simply click on each icon to find more detailed information.

From the airport, the best method of transport is probably by rail (from the airport to the station nearest your hotel, e.g., Paddington, Marble Arch, Oxford Circus, Trafalgar Square, etc.), or, if available, by hotel shuttle, or by city bus. If coming from Oxford, the Oxford Tube and X90 are the two main buses that run between London and Oxford, costing only between £10-20 roundtrip, and they both drop off at the Marble Arch.

Once in London, the "hop-on/hop-off" bus tours are one of the best ways to see the city for the first time, and these are easily found at the Marble Arch bus station and all the major tourist attractions (see www.bigbustours.com for details, buses come about every 15 minutes). Despite the size of the city, walking around is also an excellent way to see the city, and the majority of attractions can be found within a one mile radius-- the interactive map can be printed off, and there are also maps displayed near the underground rail stations.


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