Discover our innovative expertise in treating the following injuries & conditions... Give us a call to discuss today!
☑ Arthritis of Knees, Hips, Shoulders, Ankles, Feet, Wrists, Hands, & Spine
☑ Spine Injuries, Disc Herniation, Fractures, Degeneration, Facet Arthritis, Neck & Back Pain
☑ Nerve Pain, Tunnel Syndromes, & Neuropathy
☑ Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Injuries
☑ Meniscus Tears, ACL Tears, & Cartilage Damage
☑ Read more about the following injuries, conditions, and interventions that we specialize in below....
Call today! 801-500-3001

- Spine Injuries, Disc Herniation, Disc Bulges, & Degenerative Disc Disease
- Joint Arthritis & Cartilage Damage
- Tendon & Ligament Injuries, Strains, Tears, & Avulsions
- Tears of Rotator Cuff, Labrum, Ligaments, & Meniscus
- Spine Injuries, Spondylolysis, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylosis, & Facet Arthritis
- Spinal Pars Fracture Defects, Vertebral Fractures, Odontoid Dens Fractures, & Non-Union Pars Fractures.
- Avascular Necrosis, Osteonecrosis, Non-Union Fractures, Osgood-Schlatter, Legg-Calve-Perthes, Jones Fractures, Freiberg Infractions, Bone Cysts, & Bone Injuries and Defects.
- Cartilage Fracture & Fissure, Chondral Defects, Delamination, & Subchondral Injuries.
- Nerve Entrapments, Nerve Injuries, Nerve Pain, Radiculopathy & Neuropathy
- Concussion, Dementia, Demyelination, & Cognitive Disorders
- Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, & Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, & Stroke
- Remote Field Trauma, Imaging, Search & Rescue
- Altitude Sickness & Wilderness Medicine
- Cellular Aging & Age-Associated Degenerative Diseases
- Anemia, Nutrient Deficiencies, Organ Dysfunction
- Chronic Fatigue, Immune Disorders, Athletic Recovery
- Metabolic, Hormone, & Blood Disorders
- COPD, Diabetes, Post-Viral Syndrome, Lyme Disease, & Fibromyalgia
- Acute & Chronic Pain
- Tissue Injuries & Degeneration
- Complex Disorders & Rare Diseases
- Spine injuries and pain of the neck (cervical spine), low back (lumbar spine), strained ligaments, herniated discs, spondylosis, & spinal facet joints.
- Radicular nerve root pain, spinal stenosis, & degenerative disc disease.
- Failed back surgery and complications from failed spine and orthopedic surgeries.
- Thoracic outlet syndrome (including neurogenic, vascular, traumatic, and non-specific TOS), brachial plexus compression, interscalene entrapment, sciatica, and nerve plexus injuries.
- Cranio-cervical instability, atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joint instability, & whiplash ligament strains.
- Peripheral neuropathy, nerve entrapment and impingement syndromes, radicular nerve root compression, neuralgia, & nerve tunnel syndromes (carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, radial tunnel, tarsal tunnel, ischiofemoral, etc).
- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and autonomic sympathetic pain syndromes (stellate ganglion, sphenopalatine ganglion, trigeminal gasserian ganglion neuralgia)
- Osteoarthritis, joint pain, joint instability, synovitis, joint effusions, & rheumatic diseases.
- Post-traumatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, neuropathic arthritis (Charcot's joint), spondyloarthropathies, scleroderma, ankylosing spondylitis, & other forms of rheumatoid and autoimmune arthritis.
- Tendonitis, tendinosis, tendinopathies, enthesitis, & tenosynovitis.
- Strains, sprains, ruptures, or tears of tendons, ligaments, labrum, rotator cuff, meniscus, joints, pulleys, & other connective tissues.
- Arthritis and other arthropathies of the spine, knee, hip, sacroiliac, ankle, shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist, finger, and temporomandibular joints.
- Labral tears, meniscus tears, and dislocations of hip, shoulder, knee, ankle, elbow, etc.
- Rotator cuff tears, adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), shoulder labrum tears (SLAP/Bankart/etc), bursitis, & many other shoulder pathologies.
- Forearm lateral epicondyle pathologies (tennis elbow).
- Forearm medial epicondyle pathologies (golfer's elbow).
- Scaphoid fractures, TFCC tears, & wrist injuries
- Ganglion cysts, Dupuytren's contractures, Heberden's nodes, Bouchard nodes, stenosing tenosynovitis (trigger finger), tophi, synovial cysts, & fibromatosis.
- Pulley ruptures, volar plate avulsions, checkrein ligament strains, lumbrical tears, jersey finger, & related injuries.
- Traumatic injuries of the hip, thigh, knee, ankle, foot, and toe.
- Sacroiliac (SI joint), piriformis syndrome, greater trochanteric syndrome, & deep gluteal syndromes.
- Iliotibial IT band syndrome, pes anserine bursitis, and other bursitis at the hip & knee.
- Hamstring tears and avulsions of muscle and tendon (hip origin & knee insertion).
- Pathologies of biceps femoris, semitendinosus, & semimembranosus.
- Hip flexor and femoral quadriceps pathologies (proximal and distal).
- Impingement syndromes of shoulder & hip (FAI-S).
- Ankle injuries of tibio-talar joint, subtalar joint, Chopart joint, Lisfranc joint, MTP joint, & ligamentous ankle sprains.
- Patellar tendinosis & plica syndrome.
- Gastrocnemius & soleus pathologies.
- Pathologies of peroneus & tibialis anterior/posterior muscles.
- Medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints and stress fractures).
- Plantar fasciitis.
- Turf toe, capsuloligamentous tears, & Morton's neuroma.
- Achilles tendinosis and achillodynia.
- Bursitis of shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, etc.
- Muscle tears, ligament tears, tendon tears, tightness, strains, myofascial syndrome, & trigger points.
- Joint instability, impingement, subluxation, & joint laxity.
- Adaptive muscle shortening, spasticity, hypertrophic scar tissue formation.
- Endocrine disorders & Hormone deficiencies/imbalances.
- Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome (RED-S) & Overtraining Syndrome (OTS).
- Cancer, cancer complications, & tumor imaging.
- Nutritional deficiencies, electrolyte imbalances, anemia, bone marrow function, & metabolic disorders.
- And many more!
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